Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is This Thing On?

I have finally done it, I am on the blog-o-sphere. I'll keep this as up-to-date as possible.  No promises, seeing as I'm still an up-and-coming college student, employee, journalist, and now blogger.  I'll post a little about myself in this as well as my "About Me" section.  I'm Scott A.K.A. Stubz or Stubby or Stubzington. Why so many nicknames you ask? Because I have a small finger: 

You're probably saying to yourself, "What the fuck is that!?" Well, it's a mishap with a horse.  Long story short, a horse bit my finger off when I was almost 5.  

Also, I know what you're thinking.  I don't know, and I'll never date a girl named Fiona.  Eurotrip has ruined whatever hopes I had with anyone named Fiona.

I started this profile with a limited knowledge of what the hell is supposed to go here. After perusing some blogs and feeling out the lay of the land, I might have figured it out. Instead of putting just the basics, I'm going to try and define myself a little bit better.

I am always the life of the party. I am often told I am too much to handle, and need to learn what volume control is and how it pertains to my life. I sing, and I do it loud. Sometimes it sounds decent, a lot of the times I try too hard and fail. I work and I do it a lot. I have two jobs currently. I'm looking for a third and looking for another to replace one of my current jobs. I'm a flat-out nerd. I play videogames. If killing people in a videogame were a crime, I'd be a mass murderer and probably wanted in every country except for Cuba. Why Cuba you ask? Because if history has taught us anything, it's that Cuba loves to harbor convicts. I'm sarcastic as sarcastic can be. I tell jokes. I like to think of life as one big comedy act. When something happens, I either laugh at it, or find a way to make other people laugh at it. Misfortune is the currency of Comedy. People usually have designated lines that they don't cross to keep conversations or events civil and unoffensive. I habitually cross that line. I like to get a running start on it if I can. I live off of Caffeine. I'm addicted to energy drinks and Dr. Pepper. Not at the same time mind you, but in rapid succession.

I'd like to eventually make an ad campaign known the world over. But what's more likely to happen is that I'll be in an ad firm and I'll probably be a hard worker, and get no appreciation. That's how that stuff usually works, but I make the best of it and enjoy every minute of everything I do. I'd like to start an A Capella band and win America's Got Talent. I'm currently one of two members, so if you or anyone you know can carry a tune, let me know. Although this is a dream of mine, I know it'll never happen, so I'll just start the band and go nowhere with it.

I make people laugh by cutting myself short or making weird voices. Or I just kind of start to talk and let my mind go. That's usually the one that works. If information was currency I'd be loaded. People tell me things, and usually there is no merit as to why they tell me. But I figure it won't stop anytime soon so I just let it roll. I know a little about a lot of things, but I don't know a lot about anything. If I were to get on Cash Cab one of two things would happen. I'd either win a shit-ton of money, or I'd choke. My nerves get the best of me sometimes, and awkward moments are the result of that. When I get around someone attractive and someone that I'm trying desperately to impress my words get jumbled and my voice squeeks. So maybe what I'm really good at is getting nervous and squeeking my voice...

I like to think my eyes are special, but they aren't. I'm super outgoing and my friends think it's weird. I'll start a conversation with a total stranger if I could, or I'll talk about a topic too openly and I get weird looks for it.

I like books, movies, music, and food. Being the nice guy that I am, I'll list a bit about each.
  • Books: I like reading anything Vonnegut has written. Chuck Palahniuk is an amazing author, as is Isaac Asimov. I enjoy reading any book that is good.
  • Movies: I love the Shawshank Redemption. The Matrix trilogy, Top Gun, Cool Running, Moulin Rouge, Across the Universe, Transformers, The Notebook, Pride & Prejudice.
  • Music: I listen to a lot of music. I like anything that has a good beat to it, good lyrics, or a good artist. Girl Talk is my favorite artist.
  • Food: I love most foods. If it's green I may not like it, but I'll try it if I've never had it before.

6 things I couldn't do without are sushi, money, electricity, my computer, my car, and music.

I like to think that someone will just walk up to me and say, "You know what Scott? I like you. I think you're awesome and you're going to go places. Here's a million dollars"

I like to hang out with my friends when I get the chance, but I've been working so much recently that I haven't had a chance to do anything remotely recreational. If the weather is nice I like to walk along the river. It's strangely calming, but a little awkward when you walk past a masterbating hobo or a man who has quite obviously just done Crystal Meth or something like that.

I tend to let my emotions get the better of me. Which isn't really a bad thing if you want to think about it. You have your emotions for a reason, why not let them out?

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